Saturday, February 17, 2007


Full Rate, Full Pressure
Straight Down the Course, All Out
Victory For All

Friday, February 16, 2007


Spheroid Radius
Changing the Convergence Rate
Complex Code Ensues

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Numerical Accuracy

Note: When computing values that need to be numerically accurate and calculated quickly carry any integration inside a summation when only one term in the summation contains the variable of integration. This results in a massive reduction of things that need to be computed. That is all. Carry on.

Daily Haiku

Azalea Blooms
Songbird Twitters Cheerfully
Sunlight Filters Down

Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Cherry Blossoms Blow
Near a Tumbling Waterfall
Wind in the Willows

Tall Aspen Reach High
Hawk Soars Over the Meadow
Brother Bear Sleeps

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

New Seahorse Release

We've just pushed a new version of seahorse out the door. Please give us a hand with shaking out any remaining bugs before the 2.18 release by grabbing it and using it. You don't have to even be a 1337 2.17 using hacker to help, all of the new features work properly using libraries available in 2.16 and the appropriate non-gnome libraries, of course.

Monday, February 12, 2007


This morning PhD qualifier results for Clemson University's ECE Department came in. The electromagnetics group had a great showing with all 6 members that took the qualifier passing. Congrats to all of my fellow group members! Now get back to work !