I realize it's been almost half a month since my last post, but end of semester duties and such take precedence. So in no particular order...
Seahorse: I've been made a co-maintainer and have mostly been focused on bug fixing and mentoring our
SoC student,
Open Street Maps: It owns my soul and is my new favorite form of procrastination. There is a warning on one of their pages about mapping becoming compulsive. I apparently read the warning and continued without a slackening of pace.
OSM has replaced my attempt to use
Google Maps' MyMaps feature to detail Clemson University. I have mostly been prepping for a future job with the
NRO and updating the map via
Yahoo!'s donated aerial imagery. If you've ever wondered where trains go and come from, the imagery is a good way to find out and why not map the tracks at the same time? I have purchased a
USB GPS receiver (I know the box says Microsoft, but the receiver can be used with pure FOSS in the form of
gpsd.) and can't wait to hit the trails with my bike to map the
Clemson Experimental Forest. This may be the final straw in purchasing a N800, although if some kind embedded developer were to intervene on my behalf I may be interested in performing a
Maemo port of Seahorse :).
School: Grades aren't in yet but between a take home exam and an in exam presentation, I can't help but believe the semester ended well. Hopefully, the metal shop will find the time to machine the parts I need to make measurements for my Master's thesis so I can wrap that up in time for August's graduation deadlines.
Conferences: While I probably will be unable to make
GUADEC, my paper entitled "
Prolate Spheroidal Monopole"
, the subject of my Master's thesis, has been accepted for presentation at the
North American Radio Science Meeting in Ottawa from July 22-26. I'm already planning on trying to crash the
Ottawa Linux Users Group picnic that week, but if there are any other
Gnomies that would be interested in sharing a pint or signing
GPG keys that week shoot me an email.